"Real love doesn’t konk you on the head like a chunk of loose plaster. Love must take root and grow - one day at a time. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quite understanding, solid confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good times and bad. It survives dark moods and makes allowances for human frailties. It settles for less than perfection. Love is a mirror of life. It is real - not a bed of roses or a a paradise in fairyland. Love, like life, can be challenging and even heartbreaking. But the person who can face both life and love with confidence and courage - and give of himself for the sheer joy of giving - is sure to find joy and contentment. For LOVING IS LIVING."
I don't know who wrote this or where it came from but I was so impressed with it that I had to share. Maybe try to apply it to your life? Just a thought.
That's all for now folks.