Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine flu doesn't come from pigs- it comes from men. It's easy to mix the two up.

Warning: If you want to read a fun, lighthearted blog entry and/or you are a male that is easily offended by criticism, skip this blog and come back tomorrow.

I'm going to be quite blunt and cut right to the chase. Lately I have witnessed and experienced many things that have left me extremely disgusted and disappointed with the male sex. Now before you roll your eyes and think "Oh geeze Brooke get over yourself and your petty reasons for hating men" at least hear me out- I'm working on being less judgmental so I expect the same of you, especially since this is my blog and as far I'm concerned my word is law as long as you are reading this.

I am lucky enough to know some truly amazing and beautiful women, who as far as I am concerned deserve nothing but the best and should be treated with the utmost respect. I am extremely picky about who I will be friends with- I have lots of acquaintances and very few friends- so the people I do consider to be my friends have in my eyes proven themselves to be good and worthwhile individuals who just also happen to be beautiful on the outside as well. Once you've made it into my friend club (and yes, it is as cool as it sounds... we have a secret handshake and everything) I will do anything for you. I am fiercely protective of my friends and when people screw my friends over I don't respond kindly to it.

This leads me back to my topic of the day. Lately the people who have been doing the hurting and consequently pissing me off are, drum-roll please, MEN. Notice how I use the word "men" and not "boys"- the males I am referring to are all over the age of 18 and therefore are adults who should be expected to handle situations in a mature and responsible manner. This however is not at all the case. Since when did it become acceptable to just stop talking and ignore someone completely when you are "over it" and move on without even a simple "this isn't working for me"? If you're thinking "oh that doesn't happen" I can assure you that it does. And any girl that has ever had this happen to them will tell you that it's probably one of the worst feelings in the world. Or even worse, when did lying become acceptable? Or when did it suddenly become okay to use people to fill up a boring time in your life and then simply toss them aside when something better comes along? That reminds me of something a certain someone said not to long ago, and I quote "It's nice to have someone around when life is boring. But when things get exciting again I'm not going to keep them around." Wow. Real classy. I know guys like to make-out/do other intimate things that I won't mention, but seriously you're willing to potentially really hurt someone just to get some action? In the "Book of Brooke"- yes it exists- that is NEVER ok, and yet I've seen it happen time and time again. And if you're reading this and happen to be a man and are thinking none of the things I just mentioned are acceptable then please explain to my why you insist on doing them. Please. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject.

The thing that really blows my mind is that the specific individuals that I am referring to are not at the type that one would expect to do this sort of thing. They are all intelligent, successful and seemingly nice guys who come from good families and have strong morals. They are the type of guy that every girl dreams of marrying... or at least they appear to be. So why then do they feel the need to act in such a disrespectful and immature manner? Why do they think it's okay to be hurtful and disregard the feelings of other? Do they not realize that their actions effect other people, or do they just not care? Or maybe they really don't mean to be hurtful and just don't know how to deal with potentially awkward/emotional situations. Either way I find the whole thing to be discouraging and nauseating.

So in case you haven't already guessed I am not a big fan of men at this point in my life... unless his name happens to be Ed Westwick or Adam Lambert. Call me crazy, but I'm just not that fond of getting shafted and left with nothing but a hurt heart and a sour taste in my mouth.

Oh, and I know that this whole entry has been a major generalization so I apologize if you are a good guy who has never done anything to deserve being put in my "mean man" group. I speak for girls everywhere when I say that I love you and wish there were more of you and beg you to keep on being nice.

And that's all I have to say about that.


  1. brooke.. you are fabulous and i love you and this post.. especially the "swine" part.. well put!.

  2. great post! i loved it! but dont lose hope! great men are out there! very rare, but they are out there... somewhere...

    good luck on your search!

    love you!

  3. Oh Brooke, just when I stumble onto your blog it appears that you have abandoned it! Which is such a shame! I'm still laughing that you look like a stoner- and an unfriendly one at that! :) (By the way, your mom is one of the friendliest people I know, and lucky for you, you inherited her beauty AND her charm)!

    As for the "Men suck" rant, AMEN sister! I happen to have landed a stud myself, but not before crossing paths with a whole slough of jerks along the way. Don't worry; boys are very slow to mature- it's why we occupy them with missions- and even when they get home, a good chunk of them are arrogant on top of being irritating and immature! It takes time and patience to find a good one, but I can assure you and all your beautiful friends, that good ones do exist! It just takes lots of patience, and lots of toad kissing.

    Now, how can I talk you into returning to this blog and supplying me with a few more laughs on a more regular basis, you unfriendly stoner? And please, no more talk of transferring to schools 700 miles away. Well, alright, I guess if it's in your best interest I'll support it, but only if you PROMISE to keep your escapades posted on here!!!
