Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Marriage is a punishment for shoplifting in some countries.

In the past month not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 of my friends have become engaged. Yes, thats right FOUR engagements in a month. Yikes. Along with the news of these engagements came some interesting reactions from my end. I was quite excited when I heard about friend #1, thrilled actually. I couldn't wait to help pick out her dress, throw her a bridal shower, etc etc. When I heard about friend #2 I was happy for her albeit not nearly as happy as I was for friend #1. I found out about friend #3 through facebook and I felt absolutely no emotion what so ever. The news of friend #4's engagement came through a text message. I heard my phone beep, pulled it out and there on my screen were the words "I'm ENGAGED!" If I hadn't been out in public at the time I probably would have screamed. I was downright angry  about the whole thing. A simple "Congratulations" was all I could force myself to send back. I know, I know, I sound like a terrible friend and human being. I have been affectionately (at least I think so) referred to as an "Ice Princess" by members of my family and friends of the family for as long as I can remember and my bitterness towards my engaged friends proved that nickname to be a perfect fit. 

I continued on being angry and bitter for about a week and felt completely justified in doing so. I mean, these girls are 19! They still live with their parents! Their parents still pay for everything! I was convinced that they were rushing into this hugely important and life changing step and giving up the chance to do all sorts of things that single people who don't have anyone tying them down can do. I was too busy focusing on reasons why they shouldn't be getting married and telling myself that they must have gone nuts to realize why I was behaving the way I was. Well, I didn't have to make this realization for myself- my brother did it for me. Last night I made a comment about everyone getting married and instead of ignoring me like he usually does, Tanner blurted out "Brooke, you're just jealous. Get over it." And he was totally 100% correct. Of course I would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was right so I just told him to be quiet and stormed out of the room. But yes, Tanner was right. I, Brooke Bond, the ice princess, am jealous. 
There's a part in the movie Wayne's World where Garth asks Wayne what he would do if he felt like puking every time he saw the woman of his dreams. Wayne responds with "I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be." I have always used this as my personal guide for finding my future husband (weird? yes. effective? I think so.) If a guy can be totally okay with me throwing up in front of him, or falling over,  or walking into a pole, etc. then he's probably worth my time- believe me, these guys are extremely hard to come by. The fact that four of my friends have found guys like this makes me incredibly jealous. They don't ever have to face life alone or have to deal with the terrors  of dating again. And what I said earlier about them not being able to do all sorts of things that single people can do, totally not true. They are lucky enough to have found someone to do all those wonderfully exciting things with. And all before they hit 20!
So yes, I'm jealous. Does that mean I'll be walking down the aisle anytime soon? Highly unlikely. But at least I'm no longer the ice princess who is completely opposed to the idea :) 
Quote of the Day:

"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of ones companion." -Gordon B. Hinckley 

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